All Great Products Begin With an Idea...
However, many never find success due to lack of funding, high design costs or lack of flexibility from designers or producers. Naroch provides effective product designs customized for your business needs.
Providing inexpensive design and prototype services, we can get your idea from a concept to a marketable product.
Naroch Technologies Inc. specializes in making customized designs for our customers. If you have an idea for a product but are looking for someone who can help with the electrical design, we can help!
What We Provide
Our multidisciplined team draws upon years of industry experience in electronics design, firmware and software design, mechanical design, and manufacturing engineering. That means we are capable of providing complete design services right from grass-roots design through to the prototyping and regulatory approvals.
Naroch's President, Emil Joannou, has years of experience in the world of electrical engineering. That means he knowns the ins and outs of the world of electronics. Using the knowledge and wisdom he has acquired, Mr. Joannou ensures that all projects undertaken by Naroch are A-Grade, robust and functional. This is done by ensuring that he employs only those he trusts, and personally testing and ensuring all designs are fit for the customer before delivery.
Communication and Control
If your product has to communicate with the outside world, we can link it to almost anything. We can provide many interfaces, including but not limited to:
- WiFi, Bluetooth and ZigBee wireless
- Ethernet, ArcNet, GPIB.
- VGA, & LCD displays
- RS-232, RS-422, RS-485, RS-530
- V.10, V.11, V.24, V.35, V.36
- E1/T1, E2/T2, E3/DS3, SONET/SDH
- Voice dial-up lines, analog modems
- Analog 4-20mA, 0-10V
We also build Communication Gateways between any of the above interface standards. If your product needs to measure or respond to outside events, or perform a certain sequence of tasks, then it may benefit from a control microprocessor. Such microprocessors can be found in everything from personal computers to vending machines. Whether you need an 8-bit microcontroller running a few lines of assembly code, or a PowerPC or ARM processor running Linux, Naroch Systems Design can pick the most cost-effective processor for your application, then provide the hardware and software to create your solution.
Naroch has undertaken many projects in the years they have been in business. Here is a sample of some of the features we have included:
- Motor Drivers
- Analogue Designs
- Infrared Control Capabilities
- Haptic Feedback
Digital Design Services
Naroch specializes in hardware design. If you have an idea, you can bring it to us to design the electronics required to make it come to life! With vast experience designing electronics, we can accomodate your needs. Do you need a device that has a size limitation? Do you need it to withstand extreme conditions? Do you need specific, intricate functions but aren't quite sure how to make them work? We can provide design services, and feasability consultation to help you figure out if and how your idea can work.
Once you have your idea solidified, and all the details are worked out, we can even assist in designing the housing for your product!
Analog Design Services
Yes we do Analog. Whether you are dealing with hundreds of volts or millionths of amps, we can do that.
Recent projects include:
Current Meter: 40 picoAmp full scale into a 16 bit Analog-to-Digital converter gave 62.5 FemtoAmps per LSB. Through carefull layout, shielding, and clean manufacturing, Naroch was able to obtain a signal-to-noise ratio so good that you could see the quantization noise of the A-to-D.
Power Meter: Measure power provided by a 600Volt 200A electrical service, reporting out via Ethernet or ModBus.
Naroch may specialize in designing electronics, but we don't stop there. In fact, we provide prototyping services for our customers as well! Once all of the hardware design is out of the way, we can also produce fully functional prototypes as proof-of-concept to make sure the product works the way you want. Sometimes, after seeing the product in action, customers think of things that can't be seen on paper. We provide the services you need to modify your product, and add or subtract from the product as neccessary to ensure you're completely satisfied with the final product.
Obsolete Component Replacement
If you have a component in your design that has gone obsolete, or hard to get, we can cross that to a more-modern and more-available substitute. If you have an entire board that you need to replace, we can recreate it using up-to-date still-available components. Our chief engineer remembers working on this old technology when it was new technology.
Recent examples include:
-Reproduced a network card from 1991 and delivered 20 replacement spares.
-Reverse engineered a 6805-based control card from 1993. Dissassembled and patched the firmware.
-Reverse engineered a card-cage backplane from 1989, and produced manufacturing documentation to build more.
Low-Cost Microcontrollers
We write tight code that fits into tiny low-cost processors. One recent project has us using a microphone to listen for a specific tone, amplifying the few millivolts out of the microphone, digitizing the signal, and doing Digital Signal Processing using a 64-tap FIR filter. If the tone was detected, we had to pulse a laser at 110Hz, while still running the FIR filter. There was also a simple user interface with 2 buttons and two LEDs. The unit would also wake up every few minutes and chirp an audible alarm if the battery voltage was too low. Where some companies would want to do this in a single-board-computer running Linux, Naroch fit all of this into only 800 bytes of code running on a one-dollar microcontroller.